What Are The Five Most Important On Page Optimization Factors?
When it comes to optimizing your website for search engines, there are several factors you can control that influence how well your site will perform. These include things like making sure your html is valid, using appropriate keywords in your web page content, ensuring your URLs are descriptive and use relevant keywords, creating rich content that attracts readers, and updating your social media profiles and links as necessary.
While some of these steps seem vague or even trivial, they all have an impact on how well your website functions and how much traffic you draw to it. By investing time into each one, you’ll eventually reach a point where everything just works together beautifully and your visitors come flooding in.
But what if I told you that there was a way to maximize your online presence without doing any of those things? What if we said that avoiding these optimization strategies would actually hurt your business in the long run?
No, we aren’t talking about paying money to advertise on Facebook or buying a ton of followers on Instagram (though both of those things CAN help your business). We are referring to something far more insidious than paid advertisements- the very thing that has made the internet so addictive for most people today: the browser window.
What are browser windows, and why are they important?
A browser window is an area of your screen where you can go to do various things, such as read blogs, look up information, or simply enjoy watching videos.
The website layout
When doing online marketing, your site’s appearance is one of the most important factors in determining how well you do business. How people perceive your company will have an effect on whether they choose to work with you or not!
When was the last time you heard someone say ‘I liked what she posted on her Instagram account, but I wouldn’t hire her because of his LinkedIn profile’? Or maybe you have done this before – why would you want to be associated with such a big loser?
Either way, investing in quality SEO services can help fix that- we may know some of the tricks of the trade, but only someone who has spent the time studying them really knows what works and doesn’t.
That’s where we come in… 🙂
We at RankoPage are here to help you improve the effectiveness of your online marketing strategies by advising you on the five main optimization factors for your page. These include optimizing your title, creating content rich keywords, using effective meta descriptions, improving your URL structure, and finally, testing different styles and layouts to find one that fits you and your business best.
The content
Content is what sells online pages or products. Without it, your page or product will not get attention long enough to buy anything else.
As you know by now, having great content is important but how do you make sure your audience does not skip past your content?
The first thing is to consider how much content you need. How many words can you list here without it being a very short article? You want to have at least 800-1,000 words here!
Your second option is limiting yourself to one main topic per article. This way, your reader knows exactly what they are going to read before reading the whole piece.
The quality of the website
While not always the first factor in determining whether or not to invest in SEO, this one is pretty important. If your site does not load quickly or easily, then people will likely give up before doing any business with you!
Making sure your website is mobile friendly, has rich content, and loads fast are all very important factors in ensuring the success of your site.
Google now rewards sites that are mobile-friendly by giving them higher rankings than normal. Make sure yours is!
Rich content means having enough content on your page to keep users interested. This could be written paragraphs, pictures, videos – anything to keep their attention for longer.
Load time refers to how long it takes for a standard web browser to display a given webpage. People spend so much time on their phones looking at screens, so they expect faster load times than they do on desktop computers.
If your site doesn’t load within three seconds, consider tweaking or replacing it.
The theme
When investing in SEO, your website’s themelay no longer be the main focus. With the ever-increasing amount of content available online, yours will quickly get lost in the mix.
Your theme is an integral part to ensuring your site stands out and is noticed. It is the base color for your web page that you design with and use textures and fonts within.
By using quality templates, it is easy to make modifications so that you are not spending time creating your own style.
The most important thing about the theme you choose is looking professional and cohesive. Make sure to research and find something that fits what you want to achieve with your website!
There are many free themes you can try before buying one – sometimes they have options to purchase as well. A quick look through Google or Yahoo! Answers can help you start your search.
The SEO strategy
As mentioned before, optimizing your page for search engines is not a one time event. It requires an ongoing process that you should continually monitor and improve upon.
There are several strategies to do this including ensuring your website has an easy-to-find contact information, using appropriate keywords in your content and HTML markup, maximizing internal linking structures, and improving your site’s mobile friendliness.
All of these things can be done either by yourself or through professional help.
The images
Having great pictures is crucial to ensuring your website looks its best.
The reason this is important is because people make judgments about you, your business, and what products or services you offer within a matter of seconds!
They look at the first few pages of content to determine if they want to visit your site, buy something, or leave.
And unfortunately, most people are not very intuitive when it comes to web design, so they may find some things off-putting or uncomfortable.
That is why having good pictures can be such a powerful way to promote your online store.
People will likely admire the pretty pictures and then purchase from you rather than against you. – Jeremy Bullerjung, Online Marketing Expert
Too many missing or poor quality photos can hurt your sales, even a little bit. Even just looking unkempt and messy can scare away potential customers.
There are several ways to increase the effectiveness of your pictures. This article will discuss some tips. Read on for more information.
The design
Even though you will probably spend more time editing your website’s HTML code or writing new content, designing your site is arguably the most important factor in optimizing your page for search engines.
After all, why would anyone want to visit a poorly designed site!
Making sure that your pages are well organized, use appropriate fonts, and contain enough relevant information can make a big difference in how much traffic you get from Google and other search engines.
There are several ways to optimize your website’s look and feel. For example, making sure your browser is up-to-date and using an easy to edit theme makes it faster to update your website. You can also check out our article about the best web hosting for SEO.
But beyond looking good, there are three main things that influence whether people like what they see when they visit your site.
These three factors are: consistency, clarity, and simplicity.
Consistency refers to having the same colors, styles, and patterns used across your site. This way, users know what to expect from your site and navigation becomes easier.
Clarity means being very clear with your messages and content. Your visitors should be able to easily understand who you are and what you offer through your site.
Simplicity focuses on stripping away unneeded components of your site so it does not distract users.
The content quality
Content is king. This is an easy one to prove. Check out any large website’s front page or mobile app screen shot and you will see that it is full of rich, high-quality content.
Content doesn’t need to be long to make a difference either. A short article with a strong call to action (CTA) can propel your SEO very well.
Your CTA could be to buy something, subscribe to a newsletter, or simply spread word about the product or service.
The key here is making the reader take action. If you don’t convince them, they won’t!
Good content makes a great first impression and keeps the readers engaged till the end. It also gives an indication as to whether or not the writer has read their own marketing material before and what seems interesting at the time.
Making good use of keywords and linking to related pages are other ways to optimize the content.