Google Algorithm Update News
November 17-19 (Approximate dates) – Potential unannounced core update; speculation by Google’s SEO community suggests it might involve Panda or Penguin related changes.
On December 1st, Google issued their fourth product reviews update which caused significant disruption within SERPS.
Some individuals also reported an increase in Knowledge Graph results and featured snippets.
1. Penguin Update
Google’s Penguin Update was an algorithm change designed to combat “webspam”, penalizing pages that employed manipulative link-building tactics or unnatural link structures for keyword stuffing purposes.
Since 2016 when it was introduced, Googlebot has become a core algorithm and now assesses links in real time. Since its debut, a series of updates and refreshes have been issued; its battle against webspam techniques continues unabated.
2. Hummingbird Update
On September 26th 2013, Google unveiled Hummingbird: an algorithm update designed to better recognize more complex search queries and focus its search towards semantic search, meaning the engine understood what users were searching for.
Hummingbird was Google’s biggest overhaul since 2001 and marked an unprecedented change. Instead of simply looking at individual words in search results, this algorithm took into account context and intent behind each search instead of just analysing individual searches as words alone.
3. Panda Update
Google’s Panda update was an effort by them to eliminate websites with low-quality content and keyword stuffing from search results, as well as sites which relied too much on SEO optimization for user engagement, instead of providing valuable information directly. This update targeted websites whose main goal was SEO rather than providing users with useful knowledge.
After Google’s 4.2 update, Panda officially became part of their core algorithm updates; many of its principles still stand true today, making it even more crucial to remain aware of any new core algorithm updates. It is therefore critical that businesses stay current with any core algorithm updates.
4. Page Layout Update
The Page Layout Update was a Google algorithm change that penalizes websites with too many ads above the fold, impacting less than 1% of search queries worldwide. By optimizing ad placement and prioritizing content visibility, website owners can mitigate against its effects.
Staying current on Google algorithm updates is critical to optimizing SEO strategies and aligning with best practices. Staying informed of updates can help ensure that you stay one step ahead in terms of strategy implementation and improve overall search performance.
5. Mobilegeddon
Dubbed Mobilegeddon, Google released an update that increased search rankings for pages designed for mobile use – this change proved particularly significant for online retailers that rely heavily on searches to drive sales.
This algorithm change was implemented globally and affected search results on Google Mobile Search Engine, prompting fear among marketers; however, its results haven’t been as dramatic as some had anticipated.
6. Local SEO Update
Google frequently changes their local search algorithm, with updates potentially having a substantial effect on the visibility of your business listings.
The Pigeon update enhanced Google’s algorithm by emphasizing distance and location ranking factors. This enabled it to more effectively answer user queries based on proximity.
Unofficially known as the E-A-T update, Google’s algorithm adjustment rewarded websites that feature high quality, authoritative and trustworthy content for YMYL keywords and increased their visibility by providing a fast experience for their visitors.
7. September Core Update
Google’s September 2022 core algorithm update marks an important change for their search engine, prioritizing content written with humans in mind.
It also penalizes pages with low quality content and unnatural links, so if your site was affected by this core update it’s time to review your content and take immediate steps! Act now so you can begin recovering quickly!
8. June Core Update
On June 2nd, Google started rolling out a broad core algorithm update designed to give priority to pages providing superior user experiences including page speed, mobile friendliness and HTTPS security.
This update seeks to better recognize high quality product review content while devaluing low quality review pages, creating significant SERP turbulence as Danny Sullivan of Google Search Liaison officially announced this change.
9. September 27 – Early October Update
On September 27th, Google released another broad core update without specifically announcing it; SEO tools (including MozCast ) noticed a change to SERPs that may last several months.
The fourth update of 2022 focused on rewarding quality product reviews. It took weeks to roll out and had an immediate effect across search landscape. Ranking volatility remained High to Very High throughout.
10. October 21 – 24 Update
This core update has come to be known as the “Medic Update,” as its impactful rollout has made a notable impressionful on health and wellness websites, giving rise to this moniker.
Glenn Gabe refers to this phenomenon as “Possible Quality/Phantom Tremors.” These may have something to do with featured snippets or could possibly indicate canonicalization issues in Google Search results.